Range Working Bee
23 November 2003
There was a very good turnout of members. In the morning it was tidying up the fallen branches under the big pines near the target shed. After lunch We started felling the smaller pines along most of the western boundary.
A vital part of the operation was to make sure the fires didn't get away. This is demonstrated in this photo where Ted is in charge, ably supported by David, James and Keith, who are at the ready for any unpredictable wind changes!
Although Bill spent most of his working life in the meat processing industry, he always wanted to be a conductor. Here he is conducting the Rosedale Rifle Range Philharmonic Orchestra.
Tat arrived about lunchtime with some snags. After a long session over a barely hot barbecue we got our lunch. The good news since then is that Keith has overhauled the taps on the barbecue, and it is now in very good shape for the next time it is needed.
And Noel was caught in the act of retrieving a bottle of plonk that he'd planted several years ago.
Before any work could start on the small pines, due consideration had to be given to the weather.
Then it was into it, one and all.
Pound for pound, it was pretty clear who did the most work.
And as you can see, we worked the ladies so hard they lost quite a few pounds.